"My holiday table for Gulbene".
Gulbene County Library invites you to get involved in the family activity "My holiday table for Gulbene".
Each of us has a special day once a year called a birthday. Gulbene also celebrates its 93rd anniversary on February 25, so Gulbene Children's Library invites students from 1-9. class to participate in the activity "My holiday table for Gulbene", where the student and his family must create a menu of dishes prepared by your family for special holidays.
Gulbene district library staff will compile recipes in a special edition!
Activity regulations
Purpose of the activity
Strengthen belonging to your hometown by identifying your family holiday recipes.
Activity time
To submit works in person at Gulbene Children's Library by February 28. at 18.oo
Participants of the activity
Group 1 students from 1st grade. - 3rd grade
Group 2 students from 4th grade to 6th grade.
Group 3 students from 7th grade to 9th grade.
! Recipes can be collected not only by students of Gulbene city and their families, but also by students of Gulbene region and other regions and their families who have a story or memories about Gulbene.
Activity process
Find out about your family's festive dishes!
Write each recipe, along with the ingredients, on one A4 sheet
Group 1 - prepare a recipe for at least one dish with a drawing / photo.
Group 2 - prepare at least two recipes with a drawing / photo
Group 3 - prepare at least three recipes with a drawing / photo /
Recipes can be handwritten or typed, but submitted in person.
The recipe can be presented in various techniques, including a small video (no longer than one minute), which will be considered as additional material.
Before the recipe you need a short description - why this recipe is special for your family!
Each prescription is accompanied by name, surname, class and telephone number or e-mail address.
Evaluation and awarding
Three participants will be awarded a lottery in each group.
Further information
solvita.libere@gulbenesbiblioteka.lv, 64473266 (during working hours) or coming to Gulbene Children's Library (during working hours)