Poetry lessons in the children's library
October poetry lessons have already become a tradition in the Gulbene Children's Library, in which a well-known Latvian poet - a jubilee - is reminded. This year we want to remember the author of a well-known and popular children's poem, whose many poems together with the melody have become very popular. This is the poet Jāzeps Osmanis, who had a birthday in the summer - he would be 85 years old. Unfortunately, the poet has not been among us for several years - he left forever in 2014.
In honor of the poet on his birthday, the Gulbene Children's Library invites second- and fourth-graders of Gulbene schools, as well as kindergarten students, to attend poetry lessons "Krikumkrakumi or šurumburums!". In the class we will listen to the poet's poems, we will also sing songs with the poet's words, mention the riddles that the poet has asked his little readers, we will learn some interesting facts about J. Osmani.
Classes must be booked in advance. This can be done by calling (64473266), writing a message to e-mail - solvita.libere@gulbenesbiblioteka.lv or coming to the library in person.
Let's wait!
Solvita Lībere
Gulbene Children's Library