Māra Cielēna will visit the children's library together with Irēna Lūsi
Closing meeting on November 24 for the Reading Hours project: More fun together. This time, children's writer and poet Māra Cielēna will visit Gulbene Children's Library together with children's book illustrator Irēna Lūsi.
Māra Cielēna is the author of many children's books. She writes both fairy tales and poems for children.
In the works of Mara Cielena, you can find Balonpiku, the Princess who lives in a pine, Ermiņš, Jābūta and Nēbūta and other unusual beings. The main character of a fairy tale is the Haystack, who travels to the city from the countryside to justice.
Poems are characterized by positive and heartfelt intonation. The last book of poems is Rūdu Rūdis, which contains not only poems, but also a small book for children.
I like to write - just like to swim in the lake, sit by the fire, wander around strange, beautiful cities, think, imagine, dream. (Māra Cielēna)
Irēna Lūse is a book artist / illustrator. Illustrates fairy tales and poems, has drawn the covers of Ezis magazine, created thematic signs and page notes for each issue, devised mazes, puzzles and other tasks. She has illustrated children's works by many authors, especially many of Māra Cielēna's fairy tales and poetry books - Theo and Mūmīte, Apaļš, yellow big, Small Cloud Zoo, Burtumāja, Klusis and Strīpīņš and many others.
It is nice to have both: if there is a word first and then a drawing, or vice versa - if the drawing applies before the written word. (Irēna Lūse)
Solvita Lībere
Head of Gulbene Children's Library