Methodical work

Supervisor of the methodological work Iveta Erica tel. 64471458

Gulbene County Library has been a methodological center for county libraries since 1969. At present, it is a methodological and consulting center for 17 Gulbene parish libraries with 18 employees and 8 school libraries with 11 employees.











The main directions of the methodological work of the library:

  • professional management of libraries of public and educational institutions of the county,
  • coordination of library work in Gulbene region,
  • methodological assistance to library managers of public and educational institutions.


  • to plan and organize seminars for library staff of public and educational institutions,
  • to organize practical classes for librarians,
  • to compile a collection of methodological materials,
  • to compile leading and methodological documents (laws, standards, etc.) that regulate or provide consultations in the work of libraries,
  • to inform the library staff of public and educational institutions about changes in the legislation concerning library work,
  • to fulfill the references requested by librarians in the work of libraries, to provide the necessary consultations,
  • to assist parish libraries in the development of key documents (library regulations, terms of use, etc.)
  • to prepare annual reports and summaries of all libraries of Gulbene region for transfer to all libraries of the region,
  • to help parish libraries prepare for accreditation,
  • to advise librarians of public and educational institutions in work with BIS ALISE,
  • visits to libraries of public and educational institutions.

In 2015, 14 parish libraries were accredited.
In 2016, 4 parish libraries were accredited.
In 2015, the Gulbene County Library was re-accredited as the main library of the region.

Already in 2008, nine parish libraries started working with BIS ALISE. Currently, all parish libraries and 7 school libraries work with the system.

Since January 2014, Gulbene county parish libraries are structural units of Gulbene county library.

The library regularly organizes seminars to analyze achievements, share experiences, organize professional development events and experience exchange trips. Trips to various national professional development events are also organized.