About the Library

  • Working hours and contacts

    Library opening hours: POTCP 10.00-18.00 Saturdays 9.00 - 15.00 (From June 1 to October 1, the library is closed on Saturdays) Sundays - CLOSED. Phone 64471459, 26180697

  • Briefly about the library

    There are 28 libraries in Gulbene region, of which 17 are parish libraries, 8 libraries of educational institutions and Gulbene region library, which performs the functions of the main library of the region and the region.

  • Facts and figures

    The latest data of the library collection and other current indicators of the work of the Gulbene district library.

  • History of the library

    An insight into the history and development of the library is provided in a transparent manner.

  • Cooperation partners

    The library has worked closely with various institutions and organizations throughout the year.

  • European volunteering project

    2022/2023 in the academic year, a voluntary work project (No. 2022-1-LV02-ESC51-VJT-000080173) is being implemented within the framework of the European Union program European Solidarity Corps, being...