Gulbītis primary school
With the decision of Gulbene County Council, from August 1, 2017, Gulbītis Secondary School will become Gulbītis Primary School.
With the decision of Gulbene County Council, from August 1, 2017, Gulbītis Secondary School will become Gulbītis Primary School.
The school implements a basic education program, a special basic education program for students with learning disabilities, a basic education pedagogical correction program, and 10 interest education programs.
Visgleznainākajā vietā, pašā Stāmerienas ezera krastā, atrodas Stāmerienas pamatskola. Celiņš starp liepu dzīvžogu ved uz balto skolas ēku. Aizsākumi izglītībai Stāmerienas pagastā meklējami pirms...
„School… As in the past, bright and inviting surrounded by the green forests of the retreating Galgauskas, surrounded by a road network, next to birch golden candles in autumn! School building - Palace of Light Places on the bank of the river bank, the rivers that are still bubbling, just like bubbling for 100 years, singing a lullaby to a new school and raising it as a big, smart and beautiful honor and glory for Latvia! ”
The school building was consecrated on November 10, 1887 (in the old style). Historian A. Rudzitis describes it as follows: "This stately two-storey stone building is 22 axles long and 6 axles wide. There are two teachers with three departments (classes), but there is also a fourth division in private. The school is called the Lutheran School."
The Tirza primary school building was built in 1867 as a district educational institution, but the news that there is a school in Tirza dates back to 1671. Currently, the school implements a general basic education program, special education programs, a pre-school education program and a distance learning basic education program for grades 7-9.
The school was liquidated on July 31, 2012 by the decision of Gulbene County Council.
Stāv mana skola – balta debess aka, No kuras jaunas sirdis sauli smeļ. /J.Plotnieks/ Izglītības pirmssākumi Daukstu pusē meklējami jau 1870.gadā, kad „Vecšotnieku” mājās darboties uzsāk...