Gulbene Secondary School No. 2 (closed)
The high school building was built in 1935. Its authors are R. Dunēns, the head of the Gulbene Railway junction, and I. Pupons, the city surveyor. It was Gulbene Primary School, after the Second World War - Gulbene 10th Railway Secondary School. The new building was built in 1973. Since then, the school has been Gulbene Secondary School No. 2.
This was the only school in the area with Russian as the language of instruction. In 1996, a gradual transition to the Latvian language of instruction was started, and in 2008, it was completed.
The school offers the following accredited educational programs:
• General basic education program;
• Special basic education program for students with mental disabilities (levels A, B, C) integrated in a general education institution;
• General secondary education general education direction program;
• General secondary education professionally oriented program in commercial sciences.
The school has a gym, library, catering block.
The most important data in the history of the school:
1921 Start of school
1935 - 1945 Gulbene City Primary School
1946 - 1947 Baltic Railway Gulbene Secondary School No. 10
1961 - 1962 Gulbene Secondary School No. 2
1962 - 1963 Gulbene Secondary School (two-stream)
1963 - 1965 Gulbene 1st eight-year school
1974 - until now Gulbene Secondary School No. 2
Commercial education in Latvian stream started in 1996 (transformed into a two-stream school)
In 1997, the acquisition of special education was started
1999 - 2008 there is a gradual transition to the Latvian language of instruction
2003 renovated school gym
2003. school accreditation
In 2004 the school catering unit was renovated
2007 awarded the certificate "School of Equal Rights and Opportunities"
A branch of the College of Law opens in 2007
2009. school accreditation
2009-2011 improving the infrastructure for learners with mobility impairments
2008-2011 improved and improved science classrooms
2010-2011 insulated school building, renovated wardrobe
Pupils have the opportunity to participate in various interest education programs: folk dance groups, contemporary dance group, drama group, choirs, vocal ensembles, folk music ensemble, puppet club, folk ball, school of young correspondents, technical modeling group. The school has youth guards and student co-administration.
The school has its own traditions: September 1, Sunflower campaign "Sun in our city", Teachers' Day, 10th grade dedications, Sports days, Star Games, National Day events, "Christmas Days", Christmas, Tatiana's Day, Token Evening, Project week, Bird Day procession, Annual report concert, Last bell festival, Ceremony event, graduations, Alumni gatherings.
The school has a branch of the College of Law.
From 1990 to 2012, the director of Gulbene Secondary School No. 2 Tamara Briede.
From 2012/2013 academic year Edīte Kanaviņa.
The school is located in Gulbene, Līkajā Street 21. By the decision of Gulbene municipality from August 1, 2020, Gulbene secondary school is being reorganized into Gulbene secondary school.
The list of information sources can be found here .