Uriekste, Ureikste, Ušūrupe - the right tributary of the Gauja in Gulbene district. Length 23 km. Swimming pool 56 km2. Annual runoff 0.014 km3. The drop is 32 m (1.4 m / km). Uriekste begins a few kilometers southwest of Lizum, at the confluence of ditches. The river basin is located in the lower reaches of the Upper Gauja and the Trapene Plain. In the middle reaches, Uriekste winds through a forested area and from the right bank takes Rajupīte (6 km). Goes into the Gauja above the sod. Upstream, Urieksti is crossed by the Ieriķi - Gulbene railway line, less than a kilometer from the mouth - Smiltene - Gulbene road. Above this road there is a 0.4 km long and 0.1 km wide reservoir in the river.
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