Pededze - Aiviekste right tributary; begins in Estonia, flows through Alūksne, Gulbene and Madona districts. Length in Latvia 131 km. The area of the basin in Latvia is 1520 km2. The fall in Latvia is 65 m (0.48 m / km).
Pededze starts in the highlands of Haanja. In Latvia, the basin on the right bank of the river occupies part of the Alūksne Upland and Gulbene embankment. There are many forests in the basin, especially along Pededze itself. Oaks have been preserved in some places on the shores (Stradu parish botanical reserve was established in 1977 - Pededze oak stand).
In Gulbene district, Pededze is a border river of Dauksti parish with Stradu parish, it flows through Litene and Stradu parishes. Near Litene, in the ~ 10 km long section, Pededze flows mainly through agricultural lands and there the bed is relatively stable. A hydrometric station has been operating above Litene since 1920.
At Litene 20th century The HPP built in the 1950s collapsed and was liquidated. The relative slope below Litene Pededze is 0.2 m / km. There are also many meanders and old rivers in this ~ 50 km long section (except for a few km long section at the mouth of the Cross). Pededze near Litene is crossed by Gulbene - Balvi road and railway line, at the mouth of Krustalīce - Gulbene - Rēzekne road.
The largest tributaries of Pededze in Gulbene district: Audile, Knerša, Sita, Guldupe, Mugurupe, Krūzene, Leščupīte, Krustalīce, Melnupe, Pogupe.
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