
Mezītis, Mezītis lake, Mežīte lake.

The lake is located in the Lubāna plain, 95.6 m above sea level, Gulbene district. Stradu parish. Area 69.2 ha (according to other information, 54 ha) Length 1.4 km (NE-SW), maximum width 0.6 km. Average depth 0.6 m, maximum depth 1.0 m. The basin area is 17.8 square kilometers (in the Daugava large basin).
Oval lake basin. Shores low or shallow, overgrown, inaccessible, in places walks. Swampy forests around the lake. North of the lake house and nursery. The 11 km long tributary of Pededze, Bebrupe (Ezerupīte), flows from the NE to the SW through the lake. A forgettable lake with an up to 4 m thick layer of sapropel.

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