My Community 2020


Getting acquainted with the cultural history of the region, 16 video short films about the places, personalities, history and cultural activities of Gulbene region have been developed within the project.

The aim of the training “Get to know the cultural history of the county: listen, tell stories and create stories” organized for the residents of the county was to learn about the cultural heritage and improve their digital skills.

During 6 sessions, 15 participants supplemented their knowledge in the field of local cultural history, learned skills on how to prepare for an interview and interview people, how to create and tell stories, learned to create a short video story, got acquainted with Vidzeme television in person and gained insight into media literacy. Within the framework of the project, 16 video short films have been made, which reflect the vision, thoughts and feelings of the residents of the county about important topics related to the cultural history of the county.

The project “My Community 2020” is implemented within the framework of the ERASMUS + strategic partnership adult education program.

The creators of the film Wheel to Liteni invite you to take a walk around the most beautiful places in Litene.

The wonderful land of Ramka - a story about Rutkaviņi springs and their surroundings in Ranka parish.

The road to the family home - an insight into the history of the Niemand / Aumeister family. Tirza.

Man and nature - Irena's story about how to give things a second life by loving nature. Gulbene.

For Vecgulbene railway colony buildings - 100 - a story about the buildings designed by the architect Pauls Kundziņš, which can still be seen in Gulbene, Viestura Street.

Three films dedicated to the tenth anniversary of the Belava People's House handicraft group "Dzīpariņš" - an insight into the group's activities both on a daily basis and on holidays.

Colorful viper for Belava. Community members and events.

Colorful viper for Belava. Projects and other news.

Colorful viper for Belava. Tapestries.

Geopoint “Gulbene - Stāmeriena” - the story about Ferdinand von Cepelin and Edvards Liedskalniņš actualizes the cultural and historical significance of Vecgulbene and Stāmeriena.

Gulbene at the turn of the century - allows you to look at the most important moments in the history of Gulbene, as well as shows the city today.

Chamber Choir AVE SOL - an insight into the work of the chamber choir “AVE SOL” founded by Imants Kokars.

Gulbene rectory - history and destiny of the rectory.

My beautiful Litene - Litene in the past and today.

From a belly dowry chest. Pura towels. - bridal dowry traditions.

Šķieneri stop - Latvian public media award "Kilograms of culture 2018". Award in the nomination “Culture Place” - bus stop “Šķieneri”, artist Linda Riņķe. The film offers a look into the realization of ideas.

Staicele. Staicele Sports Vocational High School. - the vision of the young woman of the region about the place where she has chosen to continue her education.