Rutkaste castle mound
Rutkaste castle mound is located in Beļava parish, by the road to Tirza and Lejasciems.
Rutkaste Hill is a small round hill about 12 m high, surrounded by flat fields. Already remotely, this mountain can be seen as the highest place in the area.
The plane is almost completely round with a 1 m hump 30 m in diameter.
About 4 m below the plateau, a fuzzy terrace goes around the mountain. One can guess that the mountain was once an arte, although no one remembers it anymore. There was once a well-kept path along the terrace, which is now almost overgrown.
There are no depressions, ditches and entrances. The land consists of gravel, therefore large pits can be seen on the sides of the castle mound.
The housing layer is about 0.25 m thick and contains the remains of unturned dishes, coal and bones. It is said that copper money and cups of people's heads were found in the rock. This information indicates that the mountain was once used as a cemetery.
To the north of the mountain is a small marsh that used to be overgrown with water. Along the foothills are plowed ravines.
This small castle mound belongs to the really old imprisoned dwellings. It is so small that no protective role can be attributed to it.
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