Krapa castle mound
Krapa castle mound is located 150 m southwest of "Liepiņi" house in Dauksti parish.
The castle mound stands in a flat area and the capacity rises above the meadows and fields at a height of 20 m. At the foot it is 250 m long and 120 m wide.
Its eastern edge is a naturally steep, the southern edge a small, steep slope that ends flat in the fields; perhaps it is artificial. The entrance to the castle mound leads from the south - southwest. There are enough cliffs on the east side of the mountain and they did not have to be artificially fortified. On the other hand, two parallel terraces have been dug to fortify the north and west sides, which turn into ditches with 0.50 m at the north end. high embankment. The south side has a 5 m high embankment and there are no terraces here either. A 2 m wide terrace has been created on the western slope, 3 m below which a second, slightly wider terrace begins at the northern end of the castle mound. At the northern end, both terraces become wider, cross ditches and end at the beginning of the north-eastern slope.
The plateau of the castle mound is flat with a slope of 3 m to the north end, 80 x 40 m.
The cultural layer of the castle mound is more than a meter thick and intensive. The disc-free plastered and smooth fragments of pottery found in it indicate the population of the castle mound in our era. millennium. 1874 G.Furhuf carried out small excavations in the castle mound. To the east of the castle mound, black earth was found; there may have been a settlement there.
The mountain has been destroyed by gravel diggers, large sand pits can be seen on its north side, and trenches dug during World War II have been dug in the lower terrace on the west side.
From a hill a distant view over the flat surroundings, where here and there rises a small hill.
The hill was said to have been worn with hats in antiquity during the war. A money ostrich (barrel) was buried on the hill. Once a father and son went to dig it. Arriving at the castle mound, the father sent his son away and raised the ostrich himself. How big it was without anyone knowing.
The considered castle mound is one of the largest in Vidzeme. What role could it have played in the times of Vidzeme division.
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