.. a page from the question book. Nauris Indzeris.

...page from the question book. Nauris Indzeris.

Inese Kalēja,
Gulbene county library

This time, waiting for his birthday, the difficult questions of the question book were answered by our local baritone Nauris Indzeris. Nauris has been active in the field of professional music for almost 25 years, both as an opera singer and a chamber singer, as well as as a vocal pedagogue for the choir "Voices".
Naura's professional life was connected with both the Latvian National Opera and Ballet and the Klaipėda State Musical Theatre. The singer has participated in several Sigulda Opera Music Festivals, as well as regularly cooperates with the concert organization "Latvijas koncerti", the Operetta Theater and the classical music guild "Euterpe".

I was named Nauri by .. both parents; it is a very convenient date for the family, because mom Līga's birthday is right before the name day of Naur and middle brother Egil, so several rabbits were shot at once with one shot. Of course, the movie "Nauris" also has an influence.
The food that is still associated with my childhood is ... the meatballs baked by my grandmother Klara and my mother, because there were roe deer in the barn, and father Aivars was a successful and passionate hunter. And self-smeared pies baked in a wood-fired oven!
As a child, I mostly ... played sports - skiing in the winter, swimming in the summer, helping with the housework. Since I was the third father in the family, I probably got on the nerves of the older brothers a little.
Speaking of misdeeds, .. studies were easy at school, so there was still time for some minor misdeeds. They were mostly good-natured.
I started singing... in the music lessons of Gulbene's eight-year-old school, then in the choir class of Gulbene's children's music school and in the boys' choir under the teacher Lúcia Hmelievska and the inspiring director Austras Veikšane. Then in the theater class of Valmiera Viestura Secondary School, in the class of Jāzeps Mediņš Riga Music College in the class of Laila Grietēnas and in the class of Jāzeps Vītolas Latvian Music Academy with Professor Bruno Egles.
The biggest birthday surprise .. is expected this year on December 14.
I started writing poetry .. already in elementary school, in the seventh or eighth grade, later I wrote lyrics for Gulbene's rebel group with a punk rock orientation "Klaidonis" (not to be confused with the hit group).
I got the pseudonym (stage name) Lielais Zābaks .. already during the time of the group 5. Slaka, because every decent stage artist needs an impressive nickname. It was born from the famous phrase of the father-in-law when he came home: Big boots in front again!
From the school years, the most vividly remembered .. participation in various events and activities, for example, New Year's performances, as well as sports - biathlon, etc. c.
When it comes to tomatoes .. I always pick too many. Grows well. Too good.
From the dance music group "5. During the days of "Slaka", I remember the fact that we were innovative, discovered new nuances of the genre, creatively and boldly expressed ourselves in this music without copying anyone, used various new approaches. We released 3 music albums and were included in many different music selections.
Operetta means a lot to me. In operetta, you can not only sing, but also dance, act, and speak. I have sung several roles of the main characters of the most beautiful operettas, such as Mister X, Count Homonaj, Prince Rajami, Count Danilo, Edwina, Aristide de Fobla. I have learned a lot from the legendary maestro Jānis Kaijak, collaborated with great directors - Jānis Kaijak junior, Gundar Silakaktins, Juri Jonelis, choreographers - the excellent Albert Kivlenieka, Ieva Kemleri, etc. c.
I am especially inspired by .. the singing and the audience.
Singing together with a brass band .. always joy and fun are guaranteed.
I always have .. joie de vivre and happiness in my pocket.
I wish the residents of Gulbene region ... luck, success, creative spark, love of work and to be happy from the bottom of my heart for the success and growth of fellow human beings.
Nauri, thank you very much for the answers! Have a wonderful (and surprise!) birthday concert! And, of course, continue to have pockets full of joy and happiness