Useful e-journals

Name Description Address Approach
Business of the Day Economics. Real Estate. Finance. Small Business. Technology.
  • In the library: at the computers or on your device, with WiFi in the library

Accounting, taxes, personnel, business, law.


  • In the library: at the computers or on your device, with WiFi in the library
  • When searching the site, requesting the article in question via email (see below)
Name of lawyer

The periodicals section (under the LIBRARY) contains publications:

  • Name of lawyer
  • LU Journal of Law
  • Bulletin of the Supreme Court
  • Socrates

  • In the library: at the computers or on your device, with WiFi in the library
  • When searching the site, requesting the article in question via email (see below)
Education and Culture About everything that is important in education. Comes out twice a month
  • In the library: at computers or in printed form
  • Upon request (by e-mail, by phone, see below) we will send the required edition (s) to the users of the library by e-mail
Preschool For anyone who works in preschool. Comes out once a month
Name of the school Analytical, practical magazine for education professionals. Comes out twice a month
School Psychology About communication at school. Especially useful for school psychologists and class teachers. Comes out once a month
For parents For parents and teachers of pre-school and primary schools. Comes out twice a month.

If you are interested in a publication, article or document, please send a specific request, link or article title to vija@gulbenesbiblioteka.lV or call 64471335. You will receive the full text or edition / editions in your e-mail.

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