Camp Publicēts: 28.08.2023
Gulbene county library camp for children "Following the clues 4" has ended!
From August 7 to 11, the fourth day camp for children "Following the clues 4" organized by Gulbene district library employees took place. 15 participants aged from 9 to 12 took part in the camp.
On the first day, the participants got to know Beļava parish, visiting the farms "Ragukalns" and "Apsītes", as well as getting to know the museum of choir conductors Imanta and Gido Kokaru, working in the Beļava parish library and Culture Center. Also, despite the hot weather, the children made a hike to the Kärtene lookout tower and the Beļava manor. At the farms, children had the opportunity to see and feed various animals and even ride on horses. In the museum, children had the opportunity to imagine themselves in different characters using the props of a local theater. At the manor, children listened to stories about hauntings and some even spotted ghosts! Despite the heat and the threat of a storm, everyone returned home happily to go on new adventures the very next day.
On the second day of the camp, the participants went to Tirza parish to get to know the organic farm "Avotiņi", observe and participate in the cheese workshop and cheese tasting, visit the library and the former dairy, which now serves the art industry, and go on a hike to the stage. Most of the children had not previously visited the former dairy, which is run by artists Inese Manguse and her husband, offering to see the contemporary art they created, intertwined with Imantas Ziedonis's work "Poem about milk".
Trešajā dienā nometnes dalībnieki iepazinās ar Stāmerienas pagastu, apciemojot Bānīša staciju, kur darbojas rokdarbu kopa “Saulessvece”, kāpjot mājā kokos, dodoties pārgājienā uz Stāmerienas pili un pareizticīgo baznīcu un piedaloties biedrības “KAPO” fotokrosā un sportiskajās aktivitātēs Kalnienā. Diena tika pavadīta ļoti aktīvi, ietverot visvairāk noietos kilometrus.
On the fourth day, we visited Litene Parish, inspecting G.Cigļa ancient storage, hiking to the site of the summer camp of Litene officers and meeting the passionate and knowledgeable ornithologist Elviju Kantanu.
On the morning of the last day of the camp, the participants went to the vast parish of Lejasciema to get to know the sublimated food factory "Zaļa vāļa", visit the Sinole library and participate in the creative workshop of the artist I.I. Ķesele, go on a hike to the sulfur spring by the Gauja river, visit the Lejasciema library, and learn first aid with coach L.Gabduļinu.
Throughout the week, the participants had the opportunity to fill in the Workbook with prepared questions about the parishes of the Gulbene region, which the participants had visited during the week. The questions were of varying degrees of complexity and some of them required the help of loved ones.
At the end, the workbooks were examined by the camp leader so that the most diligent and witty answer writers could be presented with surprise prizes.
New this year in the Workbook was feedback writing to improve participants' writing and structuring skills. At the end of each day, the camp participants wrote their impressions in the Workbook, remembered the day's events, successes and failures.
In total, 36 kilometers were walked, which is even more than expected. Both the camp leaders and the children were satisfied and happy on the last day of the camp, because no one got sick or tired, and everyone who started the camp on the first day finished it successfully on the last day!
Thanks to all the participants and their parents for the exciting adventures throughout the week!
Solvita Lībere
Elīna Ērgle-Jundze
Gulbene county library