Accreditation of Gulbene parish libraries Publicēts: 25.07.2022
On May 31, re-accreditation of the parish libraries of Gulbene district took place, which is organized once every 5 years. It was an evaluation of the quality of the libraries. The condition of library buildings, premises and stocks, as well as financial and material security, employee qualifications and library operation strategy, services and other criteria important for the development of libraries were evaluated, according to which the library's compliance with the needs and interests of the population can be determined.
The accreditation was carried out by the Library Accreditation Commission established by the Latvian Library Council. The procedure for accreditation is defined in the Law on Libraries and the Cabinet of Ministers' regulations of August 29, 2006 no. 709 "Library Accreditation Regulations".
Before the accreditation, a lot of work was invested in the preparation of the necessary documents for the accreditation process, the arrangement of the library's collections, and the improvement of the infrastructure. It was already the third accreditation for the parish libraries of Gulbene region. Therefore, the Library Accreditation Commission personally visited the Stāki libraries of Jaungulbene, Tirza and Stradu parishes, the managers of the other 14 parish libraries came to the Gulbene county library for an interview.
One of the most positive sides of the accreditation is the opportunity to receive the assessment, consultation and recommendations of professionals in the library industry on how to achieve an even better result by using existing resources. In general, the work of the libraries was evaluated positively. The commission members noted that the libraries were well prepared for the accreditation process. The commission was pleasantly surprised by the library staff's professional approach to work processes, creative spirit and ability to gather local people around them, organizing various activities. The organization and planning of library work during periods of remote work, when more attention was paid to regional studies and work with the electronic database of regional studies, was especially praised.
During the inspection of the libraries, areas of work that should be given more attention in the future were pointed out. Each library had its own recommendations, but there was also a common instruction for all of them: to find an opportunity to replace computer equipment for users. 10 libraries had a recommendation: to increase funding for the purchase of books, to work more actively on the content analysis of the collection, making it rational and modern, as well as to make wider use of the possibilities offered by the ALISE library system. 11 libraries should review the compliance of the working hours with the interests of the citizens.
At the regular meeting, the Latvian Library Council approved the opinions of the library accreditation commission that all surveyed libraries meet the accreditation conditions and as a result of the accreditation the libraries are granted the status of a library of local importance (in accordance with MK regulations No. 355. "Rules of operation of the network of libraries of local importance").
Yvette Erica,
head of methodical work
Gulbene county library.