Do it digitally - Your new lifestyle! Publicēts: 15.10.2020
From October 19 to October 25, the annual campaign "Days without queues" will take place, which this year has been given the motto "Do it digitally - Your new lifestyle!".
The campaign is organized by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development (MEPRD) in cooperation with institutions, municipalities and libraries throughout Latvia.
The aim of the campaign is to encourage the public to apply for the services of state and local government institutions electronically, as well as to use the digital tools offered by the state for more convenient and faster solution of everyday life situations online.
This year, the main activities of the campaign will be webinars - online seminars, where we will tell and show various digital solutions offered by public administration and local government institutions. All webinars will be available in the program “My Latvia. Do it digitally ”on the website and in the program profiles on social networks (Facebook). We also plan to attract cooperation partners from the Internet media for live broadcasts in order to reach the widest possible audience.
Gulbene County Library Information Center will have the opportunity to watch promotional webinars online:
October 19 at 10.00 - Opening of the promotion
Address by the Minister, discussion on the daily use of digital solutions. Elīna Dimiņa, Head of the Infectious Diseases Surveillance and Immunization Division of the Center for Disease Prevention and Control (SPKC), will join Juris Pūce in the discussion. How digital solutions can help overcome the COVID-19 crisis, what opportunities do digital solutions offer if we are forced to restrict mobility and visits to institutions, and so on.
October 20 at 10.00 - Culture Day opportunities (Cultural Information Systems Center)
“Digital Library” - how to use it best and most conveniently (Latvian National Library)
“Digital Cultural Heritage” - to get to know culture digitally as an additional opportunity for the culture of presence in the daily life of every person (National Library of Latvia)
What's relevant in libraries in the regions? (visitors' interest in e-services (not only libraries), knowledge, skills, how the library can help, how libraries work remotely, etc. (connect remotely to Valmiera City Library).
October 21 at 10.00 - Employment
Teleworking and flexible working opportunities (State Chancellery)
Digital opportunities for jobseekers (State Employment Agency)
applying for the services of the State Social Insurance Agency electronically (SSIA)
e-services in labor protection (State Labor Inspectorate).
October 22 at 10.00 - Entrepreneurship
Electronic business registration, transition of the Business Register to fully remote communication, other useful e-services of the Business Register (UR)
State Revenue Service (SRS) e-services, electronic communication with the SRS in daily work (SRS)
experience in daily work using e-services (Elīna Novada, owner of
October 23 at 10.00 - Environmental protection
E-services offered by the State Environmental Service (SES)
Digital Resources and Capabilities of the Nature Protection Board (DAP)
Let's go to nature, get to know it and take care of it! (Mairita Lūse, Member of the Board of Zero Waste Latvia)