New - digital user card! Publicēts: 12.01.2021
To become a user of the digital card of the Gulbene district library, you must make sure that you are a registered library reader. A registered library reader is issued a plastic reader card, as well as access to the electronic book catalog. If you have not registered Gulbenes county library reader, you can become one by filling in the application FORM electronically by calling 26180697 or writing , in addition to announcing that you want to get the user's digital map.
If you are already a registered library reader, contact the library:
- 26180697 (call or send message to Whatsapp)
Name or send:
- Your name, surname.
- Library reader card number.
- The e-mail address and / or telephone number to which you want to receive the digital user card.
As soon as the digital user card is prepared, we will send it to the e-mail address or telephone number provided by you.
If you do not know your reader's card number, find out from the librarian by sending your name and personal identification number to or 26180697 (Adult Readers' Service), or 64473266 (Children's Library).