On the operation of Gulbene district libraries

Due to amendments to the Cabinet of Ministers Order No. 655 “On the declaration of a state of emergency”, from January 12, Gulbene district libraries will issue books to readers at home. Contactless books are issued in the libraries of Gulbene parishes.

Access to computers in libraries is denied. Reading rooms are closed to visitors. Access to remote library services is provided.

To find out about the procedure for issuing books, as well as the available remote services in parish libraries, please contact the employee of the respective parish library. The list of contacts can be found here: https://www.gulbenesbibliotekas.lv/lv/pagasta-bibliotekas/pagastu-bibliotekas-2

Procedure for issuing books in Gulbene district library from January 12:

  • The library accepts individual visitors (1 person or 1 household resident).
  • Arrival at the library only with a face mask.
  • Hand disinfection is mandatory when entering the library.
  • There is a one-way movement in the library.
  • The adult service department can accommodate a maximum of 3 visitors at a time.
  • The children's library can accommodate a maximum of 3 visitors at a time.
  • Book transfer to book transfer facility only.

We encourage you to book books remotely, as well as to pre-book your pick-up time:

Gulbene County Library will continue to provide access to remote library services:

  1. Remote services in the reading room of local history and humanities:
    • All kinds of thematic inquiries (by phone, e-mail, online).
    • Support in writing scientific research papers (inquiries, sending materials electronically).

Information for communication, receipt of the service: t. 64471460

Sanita Jurkāne
e-mail: sanita.jurkane@gulbenesbiblioteka.lv

Inese Kalēja
e-mail: inese.kaleja@gulbenesbiblioteka.lv

  1. Distance learning services at the Regional Training Center:
    • Online science research consulting platform Webex.
    • Telephone consultations on computer and Internet use.

Information for communication, receipt of the service: t. 22023043

Rūta Bokta
e-mail: ruta.bokta@gulbenesbiblioteka.lv

Liene Baranovska
e-mail: liene.baranovska@gulbenesbiblioteka.lv

  1. Remote services in the Information Center:
    • Consultations on the use of various e-services.
    • Preparation and provision of inquiries from databases (for example, Lursoft, ifinanses.lv, EBSCO, etc.)
    • Assistance to students and pupils in searching for information, preparation of teaching materials using the wide range of databases available to the library.
    • Providing access data to databases, including the 3TD eBook Collection.

Information for communication, receipt of the service: t. 64471335

Indra Logina
e-mail: indra.logina@gulbenesbiblioteka.lv

Vija Tashina
e-mail: vija.tasina@gulbenesbiblioteka.lv

  1. Remote services in the Adult Readers' Service Department:
    • Consultations on the use of various e-services.
    • Providing access data to databases, including the 3TD eBook Collection.
    • Access to scanned thematic literature from books (eg recipes, practical advice, etc.)

Information for communication, receipt of the service: t. 26180697, 64473219

Ieva Brūniņa
e-mail: ieva.brunina@gulbenesbiblioteka.lv

Jelena Bogdanova
e-mail: elena.bogdanova@gulbenesbiblioteka.lv

  1. Remote services in the Children's Library
    • Providing access data to databases, including the 3TD eBook Collection.
    • Thematic inquiries (by phone, e-mail).

Information for communication, receipt of the service: t. 64473266

Solvita Lībere
e-mail: solvita.libere@gulbenesbiblioteka.lv

Andija Tarvāne
e-mail: endija.tarvane@gulbenesbiblioteka.lv

From January 12, the library services will be provided on weekdays from 10:00 to 18:00, on Saturdays from 9:00 to 15:00, and on Sundays the library is closed.

If you have not yet registered in the Gulbene County Library as a reader, use this time to do so!

  • Write an e-mail to elena@gulbenesbiblioteka.lv or call 26180697, indicating your name, surname, date of birth, e-mail address and telephone number.
  • If you want to access the electronic book catalog in addition to registration, ask the librarian for access details.
  • Registration is also possible by filling in the FORM .

Gulbene County Library calls on residents to be responsible for their own and their peers' health, following all the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control!