Internet resursi par ES

EUROPA European Union portal. Various types of information about the European Union are available - current affairs, institutions, documents, discussions, etc.
Interface in different languages, also in Latvian
EUROPE DIRECT An online network providing direct answers to general questions about the European Union, its work, its institutions and its policies. Interface in different languages, also in Latvian
EURES European Job Mobility Portal. Provides information on job and training opportunities in Europe. Data are available on current trends in the European labor market by country, region and industry. Interface in different languages, also in Latvian
Your Europe The Your Europe portal provides individuals and businesses with practical information on their rights and opportunities in the EU. Interface in different languages, also in Latvian.
European treaties European treaties
EU national statistics - Eurostat  
Portal EU House Find out, debate, get involved!
Test yourself! Test yourself - do you know the map of Europe well?

European Union institutions and agencies:

European Union institutions and agencies Interface in English
European commision Interface in the official languages of the EU
Directorates - General of the European Commission Interface in the official languages of the EU
The European Parliament Interface in the official languages of the EU
Council of the European Union Interface in the official languages of the EU
Court of Justice of the European Union Interface in the official languages of the EU
European Central Bank Interface in English
Representation of the European Commission in Latvia News, publications, research, documents. Interface language - Latvian
European Parliament Information Office in Latvia News, events, publications, research, documents. Language of communication - Latvian.


EUR-LEX Database of EU legislation. Interface in different languages, also in Latvian
EU publications - a virtual EU bookstore Publications of EU institutions

European Union finances, structural funds:

EU budget Interface in different languages, also in Latvian
EU funds All about EU structural funds. Latvian Language
Latvian Investment and Development Agency State aid programs co - financed by the EU. Interface in English, Russian, German, Latvian

European Union and Latvia. State institution:

Translation and Terminology Center Translations of legal acts and other documents issued by state and international organizations. Interface in English and Latvian
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Official information about the European Union. Interface in Latvian, English and Russian

European Union and Latvia. Non-governmental and other organizations:

European Movement in Latvia It is possible to obtain extensive information about the organization itself, its activities and current events. Interface in Latvian and English
Club "House" A youth public organization that promotes the idea of European unity by promoting democracy, tolerance, tolerance and respect for human rights, informing and educating young people. Interface in Latvian and English